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A Story About a Boy & His Skeleton Friend

A youngster doesn't go anywhere without his bony friend, Benny.

Some kids have swarms of friends, other kids have imaginary friends, but this youngster finds the majority of his days with a bony skeleton named Benny.

Abigail K. Brady has been posting videos of her son Theo and his best friend Benny. Benny is really a Halloween decoration, but Theo doesn't care one bit. What makes the following video so incredible is the sound choice in the TikTok video — "We're Going to be Friends" by The White Stripes. Take a look...

The song starts out with the lyrics:

We started living in an old house. My ma gave birth and we were checking it out. It was a baby boy, so we bought him a toy. - Jack White

It all started when the kid refused to go to their local watering hole/pond/lake without his oversized, plastic skeleton. Although, he didn’t just want to take Benny for the ride and made sure to take his pale pal everywhere.

You know, the normal things kids do like going down slides, hanging out by the water, and even hopping in the lake. He even reads the skeleton — Benny — bedtime stories.

This is the kind of thing everyone needs to see to step out of their day-to-day life and remember to enjoy the little things that make us smile. Most recently, Theo worked on matching Halloween costumes and the two of them dressed as ghosts.

In a year when many people have had a difficult time dealing with changes, or perhaps haven't managed to keep a smile on their face for long, this kid, Theo, is doing everything he can to keep himself happy. It's something that'll in turn make others smile if they take the time to acknowledge this creative being.

By Matthew Sterner.

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