Excerpt from the novel "Halfway Decent Human Being."
The following is an excerpt from the recently released novel Halfway Decent Human Being, which was also published by Write All About It.
I chose to share this snippet because I feel it gives the readers a clear representation of how the main protagonist, June, is dealing with the recent split with her ex-husband.
Snippet from "Chapter Nine: Dust Particles"
Since you’ve left I’ve had to figure out how to do certain tasks on my own.
These were tasks that you would normally do while I pretended that I was incapable of learning. I didn’t want to learn because I had you. You were there to help me out. You’d complete the difficult tasks even though you hated doing them for me.
You’d laugh your head off if you could see me attempting to mow the lawn. The lawnmower, even though it’s electric and free from a shitty pull-start I’d have to yank over and over, is harder than I thought it was going to be.
Was it this difficult when you’d have to do it?
You know, back when we lived together?
Back then, you’d do it for me — for us, perhaps. You’d do it for us because you knew how much I loved the smell of freshly cut grass on a hot summer day. You could almost see the fragrance radiating off of the lawn after it was trimmed. The scent would consume the entire backyard, whiffing in front of my face and creating one of the biggest smiles any asshole could see from a lengthy distance.
I shoved and pulled that damn lawnmower over the tall blades of grass until they surrendered to a much smaller size.
One by one they were beheaded.
Off with their heads!
No longer were the blades blowing in the wind, but rather holding a much tougher stance against any bug or creature that dares to climb up its shorter length.
By Matthew Sterner
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