It would be disgusting to take a huge bite out of, but the visuals are solid eye candy
A lot of people have been spending most of their time indoors, staring blankly at the television, and endlessly scrolling through Netflix, only to never actually pick anything to watch, but waste 30 minutes to an hour trying to decide watch to watch.
Well, get a load of this.
Earlier this year, Claudia Romeo of Food Insider traveled to Brittany, France to meet with Jean-Yves Bordier. Her goal was to make a video so dang entertaining that you'll think twice about your need to keep up with the Kardashians.
Okay, so maybe it wasn't her goal, but she surely succeeded in making a video neat enough to watch in its entirety. Here's a sneak peek:
That's not Laffy Taffy. It's super fancy artisan butter.
Bordier makes artisan butter using a technique from the 19th century known as malaxage. Instead of churning his butter with modern machines, his process totally relies on a large wooden wheel.
It needs to knead the butter, giving it texture and squishing out the excess buttermilk and water. Although, it’s not just a matter of turning on the machine and watching it take a whirl. The butter has to be folded and shaped nonstop.
Sure, it would be disgusting to take a huge bite out of the butter, but the visuals are enough eye candy to hold you over until the next Kardashians' episode airs.
By Matthew Sterner.