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5 Creative Things to do on Labor Day Weekend 2020

It's the perfect time to do something you wouldn't normally partake in

Sure, things have been different in 2020.

It's been difficult to gather with your friends and family, and a lot of the activities you'd normally do have either been rescheduled or canceled. The same goes for holidays, too.

Although, there are a few creative and fun things you can do this Labor Day weekend. If you think about it, it's the perfect time to do something you wouldn't normally partake in.

1. Visit an outdoor brewery

Instead of sipping craft beer on your couch, slurp on something new at a local brewery.

Many breweries are revamping their outdoor spaces for socially distant drinking. More tables, excellent shade, cooling misters, and sanitizer stations are what you'll find at most, if not all breweries nowadays.

Suggestion: Check out your local breweries on social media to see what their current hours of operation are, and also what kind of changes they've made to their spaces.

2. Go to a pop-up drive-in theater

Drive-in theaters are making a comeback!

It only makes sense, too. People aren't too keen on sitting in a theater with others right now, so why not stay in your car or on a truck's tailgate to watch a flick? Look in your local newspaper, social media, or ask around if there's a pop-up drive-in theater happening in your city. Chances are there is!

Cool tidbit: During the Great Depression, audiences flocked to cinemas in an attempt to forget their worries.

3. Float down a river

If you don't have a pool, and the water parks aren't open, or you're tired of running through your neighbor's sprinkler, plop down in a tube and float down a river.

Tubing can be a refreshing way to spend a lazy day outdoors with friends or family. If there's not a river nearby then maybe it's a good excuse to hop in the car and take a road trip.

Suggestion: Don't forget to bring a cooler filled with whatever it is you like to drink.

4. Rent someone's pool

Yeah, this is actually a thing.

An app called Swimply lets you book a private pool at someone’s home for an hour or more. Leave that mask in your beach bag and cool off in a pool that's practically yours. The company says it added safety precautions, including limiting the number of swimmers for each rental and leaving an hour gap between bookings so the owner has time to clean before the next swimmers arrive.

Suggestion: Don't pee in the pool. It's not yours to pee in.

5. Get away from the screen

I'm talking about all types of screens! Your computer, TV, smartphone — stop reading this article! Go read a book, get outside, and let your brain recharge.

These days, everyone is willingly video chatting with their family or forced into it at work because it's the only option when it comes to company meetings.

Here are a few reasons why it'll be good for you:

  1. Present-moment awareness

  2. Improved sleep

  3. Deepened connections

  4. Productivity and learning

  5. Breaking habits

Okay, now that you've read this article (thank you) put your smartphone in a drawer (tell your friends and family first so they don't think you're dead) and take it easy.

By Matthew Sterner

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