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Chicken farmer in India wants to market mysterious green eggs

Experts are now conducting laboratory tests to find out the reason behind this phenomenon.

This may have some people saying that they won't "eat them here of there" and perhaps they won't "eat them anywhere," but a chicken farmer in India is hoping you won't knock it before you try it.

AK Shihabudheen posted a few pictures and videos to Facebook showcasing some green eggs laid by hens in his poultry farm. You can imagine how thrilling it can be.

However, is something seriously wrong with the feathered creatures? Could his chickens be laying green nuggets of radioactive disasters? More importantly, what's he feeding these hens?

Shihabudheen shared the eggs with veterinary experts, family members, and journalists but nobody seems to know what the cluck is going on here.

“It was nine months ago that we first got such an egg with a green yolk from a hen in our small poultry farm set up along the house," Shihabudheen told The News Minute. "We were astonished at first, and did not use the egg to consume. All the eggs which the hen laid, were this kind and so we started to incubate the eggs. Out of the six chicks which hatched from these eggs, a few have started to lay eggs and those yolks are also green in colour."

In one of the videos shared to Facebook, Shihabudheen can be seen breaking open an egg and pouring its contents onto a plate.

You've got to see it to believe it.

Now that a few of his other chickens have jumped on the "green egg bandwagon," he's eating the eggs and sharing them with his family. Apparently, they taste like any other egg would taste and he hopes to start selling them as a specialty item.

Since the mystery has flown the coop, officials from the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University began running lab tests on the magical green eggs.

They're now looking into the source of what the chicken farmer is feeding the hens.

“We have started doing a few tests to find out the reason behind this," Dr. S. Sankaralingam, Assistant Professor of Poultry Science, Department of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, told The News Minute. "This is a rare phenomenon, and there is a high possibility that it might be because of the feed that is given to the birds."

Shihabudheen claims that he's feeding them the normal "chicken feed" you can buy from stores, along with some rice, coconut oil cake, and kitchen waste from his own home.

So, there's no word on what his "kitchen waste" is... but perhaps the Swamp Thing and Toxic Avenger attended one of his dinner parties and collaborated on a soup no one dared to eat.

Meanwhile, Shihabudheen is waiting for the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University experts to find out the reason behind this phenomenon. It's becoming a tough shell to crack.

In the end, if the green eggs are found safe to consume, he plans to get the ball rollin' on distribution.

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