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Celebrating Earth Day's Golden Anniversary

"We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own." - Wangari Maathai

Fifty years ago today millions of people came together sharing an intention to instill changes that would help Earth heal from the accumulation of human-incited trauma.

While congregation and collaborations among community members for Earth Day this year are not currently encouraged, we each have an abundance of individual opportunities to do our part in honoring and taking action to support the intention that rose to greater awareness half a century ago.

Some suggestions include:

A different piece of the puzzle to celebrate this Earth Day is the proof of Nature's self-healing power!

As humans are being forced to slow down and stay at home around much of the world over the last couple months, the effect of decreased pollution production and misused resources have become undeniable.

“We’re starting to see a lot of reduction in air pollution and water pollution, going along with people staying home,” said Bill Wood, the executive director of West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC).

Side note that with cleaner air and a waning crescent moon, there’s a greater chance to witness the celestial celebration of Earth Day with the Lyrid meteor shower, which will reach its peak tonight!

My loving suggestion is to honor this Earth Day by celebrating this slower season and the ability to further allow Earth to heal itself. Equally, to invest in our individual healing by creating more mindful and sustainable habits throughout our lives. Because it is, after all, one in the same.

Here's to each of us doing our part to establish a more compassionate, healing, peaceful co-existence with Mother Nature. On Earth Day and every other day.

Ps. Be mindful of how you go about sourcing and disposing of your gloves and masks, folks!


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