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Growth and Intention-Setting for Autumn Equinox

Writer's picture: Sam JumpSam Jump

Steps for creating balance and reclaiming ownership of the direction you want to go

Are you ready to turn inward and start honoring the season of letting go? Because that's exactly what the Autumn equinox calls you to do.

September 22nd marks the first day of Fall, where day and night are approximately the same lengths of time, and we begin to say goodbye to the steady heat of summer. It acts as a guide to turn in and prepare for withdrawing from the surface during the coming winter season; offering renewed power and rejuvenation; seed-planting for the seasons on the other side of the sowing.

"If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then Autumn would be the magic hour." -Victoria Erickson

The speed and vitality of summer's rapid growth means lots of change for each of us, with both loss and gain, relatively. So what's next? Why, the harvest, of course!

Fall is the time to take stock of what you've harvested this year, determining what needs to be nurtured and what needs to be cut loose. And as the quote goes, "The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go."

Maybe your harvest isn't what you'd hoped it would be? That's okay! Because now is the perfect time to reflect, regain your balance, and look for what within you'd like to change in order to meet yourself with greater success during the next cycles and seasons.

Remember...if nothing within you changes, nothing outside of you will change; your past becomes your future. 'Tis the natural science of life's cycles.

You can only learn from life's experiences and determine where you want to put your focus through self-reflection and awareness of the stories you tell yourself. The wisdom gained becomes part of who you are, helping you set new intentions to chart out your course.

So. How about some intention-setting?

The following prompts are intended to help you gain some clarity around where you are, what you'd like to change, and acknowledge creative, tangible ways to go about it. Set aside some time this week to practice honesty with yourself, without rush. Ask yourself each question, give yourself a few minutes to sit quietly with each, and write down what comes to the surface. I cannot possible emphasize enough, the power of writing it down. DO IT.

Self-care and wellbeing

What actions can I commit to that will help me feel more nurtured? Daily? Weekly? Monthly.

Let this be simple and focused on you, and do not give yourself the chance to procrastinate or bail. Schedule each intention on the calendar, as you would for any important meeting. Self-trust is a virtue. Examples:

  • I will give myself ten minutes each morning to sip on my coffee with no distractions.

  • I will go for a walk in the park after work once a week.

  • I will meet with my acupuncturist once a month.

Bonus points for noting why each of your self-commitments is important to you and/or how following through with them will make you feel! You can do this.

Personal growth

  • What would I like to learn over this next year? Will that involve self-study? Group study? Registering for a course? Do your research and add what is able to be scheduled to your calendar.

  • In what ways would I like to grow over this next year? Again, this reflection goes back to turning in and being honest with yourself. Would you like to grow in communicating your feelings more openly? Is setting more efficient boundaries a skill you'd benefit from?

Write them down. Again, I suggest addressing why each is important to you and how you will feel upon dedicating yourself to them.

Family and friends

What intentions can you set to help you feel more connected to your family and friends (aka your personal support group)? These should be rooted in healthy connections (aka not co-dependent habits) and be as free from expectation and obligation as possible. Examples:

  • I will dedicate 30 uninterrupted minutes to playing/being outside with my partner and/or kid(s) (or by yourself!) each "work day" (get it on the calendar!) because I know how important it will be for their growth as well as mine, on top of the healing power of connecting with Nature together.

  • I will plan to stay outside of my parents' house while visiting during the holidays so I can ensure time to myself, helping me to more fully enjoy the time I get with them.

  • I will not beat myself up when plans need to change. I will honor the flow of schedules and embrace the time that I do get with loved ones, while celebrating extra unscheduled space for myself when those times arise.

Creativity and play/adventure

How can you designate more time to creativity in your weeks? What are your favorite forms of creativity, even? Do you like to draw? Decorate? Knit? Host little get-togethers? Let's help you do more of that! For example:

  • I will join an online drawing community that offers a daily prompt, and I will dedicate that time each day (5-15 minutes tops, easy peasy...or more, if you so choose) to invoking and stoking my creative fire.

  • I will choose one room to re-organize or re-decorate each quarter, and I will let it be fun! I will also prioritize setting a new intention for each room, allowing each space to serve a beneficial purpose and vibe. (Get it on the calendar - you already know!)

  • I will set dedicate time each week to work on collages with my kid(s), growing both my own and their creative capacity.

Ps. Get to the calendar!! (Could you hear my Schwarzenegger there?!) This habit, alone, is an act of intention and self-care. Don't skimp!

In conclusion

The change of season is such a cool opportunity to pause and reflect - on your life, your growth over the last year, and where you want to go; more-so what you want to feel over the upcoming months.

When you look closely at the energy and intention present in each season, noticing what’s happening in nature, you’re more easily able to see the reflection of personal growth work that Nature embodies. As Jane Hirschfield wrote, "The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns it to cider."

By Sam Jump

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