Why water is so imperative for human well-being and disease prevention
Over half of the human body is made up of water.
As evidence continues to mount, proving that even mild dehydration contributes to illness and morbidity, the role of water in the maintenance of health is increasingly undeniable.
Inadequate hydration leads to impaired aspects of cognitive function such as concentration, alertness, and short-term memory; linked with urological, gastrointestinal, circulatory, and neurological disorders.
Common physical symptoms of dehydration appear as headaches, swollen feet, fatigue, irritability, dark urine, and heat stroke; with some progressive (and largely well-known) examples of prolonged dehydration including:
exercise-induced asthma
urinary tract infections
cystic fibrosis
coronary heart disease
bladder and colon cancer
None of this to promote fear, blame, or hypochondria; rather an invitation for small shifts toward keeping yourself watered and well; knowing how and why.
Why water...and how much?
Sure, we're used to hearing how water and hydration are soooo important...but why, really?
Simply put, when considering the makeup of major organs that come decently standard with the human body, according to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry, we learn that
the brain and heart are composed of 73% water
the lungs are about 83% water
the skin contains 64% water
muscles and kidneys are 79% water, and
even the bones are watery at 31%.
Therefore, to survive as human beings, a certain amount of water must be consumed daily. Generally speaking, it's suggested that adult males consume around 102 ounces (just over 6 pint glasses) of water throughout each day while adult females aim for no less than 74 ounces (nearly 5 full pints). Those amounts vary, of course, according to factors such as age, activity level, and geographic location.
If those water goals sound like a lot of sipping and chugging to you, have no fear; water consumption can be accomplished through food, too!
Aside from the hydrating foods depicted in the image to the right, the following are also superstar water-based foods to add to your arsenal of adequate hydration:
Raspberries and blueberries
Putting water to work!
Literally every organ of the body requires water to properly operate.
"Water is the driving force of all nature." -Leonardo da Vinci
Human bodies depend on water to regulate temperature, lubricate joints, remove waste, pump blood to the muscles, and boost metabolism. Nutrients and oxygen are also carried to every cell in the body, aiding in the natural cycles of regeneration by, you guessed it....water.
(Hopefully) needless to say, every individual not just benefits from but truly requires ample hydration in their day to day life. Now go get you some, son!
By Sam Jump