"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
-Albert Einstein
(Image courtesy of WIRED)
How often do you catch yourself imposing the questions, "What do I want to do?" With your day. With your weekend. With your life. Regularly planning ahead, unaware of most things going on in the actual moment of said imposition, and usually void of a heartfelt answer, in place of a settled upon decision.
Now, how often do you catch yourself asking, "How do I want to feel?"
I want to feel happy.
I want to feel grounded.
I want to feel supported.
I want to feel creatively fed.
I want to feel empowered.
I want to feel prosperous.
I want to feel free.
It's a common case where we get so caught up in deciding what we want to externally invest our energy in that we overlook the option of Self and how we would like to feel- mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
There's a genuine lack of understanding that, by more thoroughly knowing how we deeply want to feel, we can more fluidly attract the things, events, circumstances, opportunities, etc. that will help us truly experience those feelings.
The mind has thousands of paths that have been worn into it throughout the course of our lives by way of habitual patterns, all stemming from thoughts that we choose to entertain, whether knowingly or not. Most of those thoughts were presented by outside sources along the way, including questions like, "What do I want to do?", which likely stemmed from receiving question such as, "What do you do?" or "What are you going to do there?"
I feel most of us are aware of those ones, yeah?
According to The Law of Attraction, a tried and true theory that utilizes the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into our lives, we are constantly in a state of creating our reality. Without a doubt, our emotions will be involved in the mix along the way, whether as a cause or as a noticeable effect.
Since emotions tend to be pieces of the puzzle that have the power to either fuel or clog us up, I say why not choose to put them at the forefront of the equation and start with the invocation, "What do I want to feel?" Let that be your guide. Let that be the Universe's guide. And trust in your innate ability to manifest in an empowering way.